NWN Freezer Program

Freezer Program – Small Chest

  • This chest freezer can easily be moved and optimally placed in your store to invite your customers to ask about Raw Meaty Bones
  • Minimal footprint with maximum sales
  • Free product included in ISO will cover the cost of the freezer (When sold at MSRP)
  • Full-color decals available for the front and top of the freezer
  • Holds approximately 120 pounds
  • Freezer can be ordered from a local business

Purchase a 3.5 cubic unit chest freezer from company of choice. Fax or scan receipt to Northwest Naturals (NWN) at (503) 252-0325 or scan and e-mail Northwest Naturals the receipt. When delivery is confirmed, NWN will issue a free fill of Raw Meaty Bones. Wholesale value not to exceed $125 (approximate retail value is $200) choose from these available products:

Raw Beef Marrow Bones

  • 1 inch Marrow Bones – 8 pack
  • 2 inch Marrow Bones – 4 pack
  • 4 inch Marrow Bones – 2 pack

Raw Meaty Chicken Necks

  • Frozen Chicken Necks – 10 pack

Raw Meaty Turkey Necks

  • Frozen Turkey Necks – 4 pack

Terms & Conditions

Retailer agrees to purchase small chest freezer. Place graphics provided on the top and front of the chest freezer and fill with Northwest Naturals Raw Meaty Bones for 1 year.

Freezer Program – Glass Front

Glass Front Single Door Freezer


Build your NWN fill product from the following:

  • 6 pound NWN Raw Frozen Nuggets
  • 5 pound Raw Frozen Chubs
  • Recreational and Raw Meaty Bones
  • 15 pound Raw Frozen Bulk Nuggets

If you have another glass front freezer available. Once the freezer has arrived and is operational, contact your NWN or distributor sales rep to place an order for the free product.

Merchandising at it’s best!

Terms & Conditions

NWN will provide 1 free fill with a wholesale value not to exceed $800 (approximate retail value of $1250). Freezer space must be dedicated to NWN for a minimum of 1 year. If NWN is given only partial space in the freezer, the dollar amount for a free fill will be determined by NWN, dependent on the amount of space dedicated. Double door freezer to be determined by space dedicated to NWN.

Freezer Program – Solid Door

  • Build your NWN free fill products from the following:
  • 6 pound NWN Raw Frozen Nuggets (As easy to feed as kibble)
  • 5 pound Raw Frozen Chubs (Best value, great for large dogs and multi-pet homes)
  • 15 pound Raw Frozen Bulk Nuggets (Quick thaw, great value)
  • Recreational and Raw Meaty Bones ( Great add – on sale, with dental benefits, satisfies natural chewing needs)

Email Northwest Naturals to place your order.

When you receive your freezer, set it up and make sure it operational. Contact your NWN or Distributor Sales Representative and they will write your order and submit it to your distributor to be delivered on the next delivery date of your choice. Freezer decal available upon request.

Terms and Conditions

NWN will provide one free fill with a wholesale value not to exceed $500 (approximate retail value of $800). Freezer space must be dedicated to NWN for a minimum of 1 year. If NWN is given only partial space in the freezer, the dollar amount for a free fill will be determined by NWN, dependent on the amount of space dedicated. Double door freezer to be determined by space dedicated to NWN.

Distributor Freezer Programs

Northwest Naturals also participates in all distributor freezer programs as well.