Pet Remembrance Day

Did you know that July has a special day called Pet Remembrance Day? Just reading those words I’m sure your mind is suddenly full of images of beloved pets who have passed over the Rainbow Bridge. Isn’t it comforting to have so many precious memories of pets who have filled our lives with joy and surprises? Our four-footed canine best friends encourage us when we feel down, romp with us on adventures, faithfully wait when we are busy, give us “kisses” that make us laugh or shriek, put their beautiful heads on our knees gazing soulfully into our eyes and so much more. There is no doubt that the human/canine bond is strong and fulfilling for both species.

Cat owners report much of these same deep feelings for their felines.  Usually quite long-lived, cats can become a true part of the family.  Many times I hear stories of cats living 18 – 22 years, and for grieving owners the heartbreak of losing a feline friend who has shared so much of their life is truly heart wrenching. Recognizing their cat’s individual personalities and adorable quirks, many cat parents feel passionate about each and every cat they ever owned.  Of course, we all know who owns whom in the cat/human dynamic. Cats rule!

So today, as your mind drifts back to many happy and possibly some sad memories of dearly loved pets who are now gone, try to focus on the good memories and let go of the bad times, the end days when your heart was breaking as you were losing your best friend.  Instead, try to remember the sunny days, the healthy days.  Days when you saw the expression on your pup’s face as he learned a new trick. Days when your cat jumped like an exploding rocket to bat at a toy. Remember all the soft snuggles and silly expressions on their dear faces. And remember their patient, forgiving nature as we made mistakes with them and then learned to do better. Becoming a super pet parent can take time and education. Thoughtfully raising a cat or dog will teach us valuable life lessons, and we can be grateful to our pets for stimulating our growth.

I certainly don’t know everything about pets or about love, but I do know that our pets occupy a large part of our hearts, and in return, we are their whole world in a unique, important relationship. So to a few of my dearly departed pets: Jemma, Carmen, Ember, Barney, Nis-Ka Shay, Harley, Ember (you fill in your own treasured pets’ names), you were my best friend for a precious time that will never come again, thank you for enriching my life with your loving presence!  And as our memories drift through images of our bygone pets let us honor each and every one by remembering them with a laugh, a fond smile and sharing a treat with the pets we are fortunate to have today.

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