Let’s Go For The Good Stuff!

Feeding our pets can be a challenge, especially if we don’t have a background in nutrition. But since cats and dogs are both considered carnivores (meat eaters) this greatly simplifies our dietary choices for them. A carnivore should primarily be fed meat.

As discussed in last month’s blog, the first 5 ingredients listed on your bag of pet food make up the majority of food your cat or dog eats.  These should be protein ingredients, and ideally, will be whole foods that you recognize, i.e., beef, whitefish, chicken, etc.  If the bag says something vague like animal protein you have no idea what is in the bag. Always look for specific ingredients that indicate the manufacturer is not trying to hide inferior ingredients in your pet’s food.

As an example of ingredients in a high-quality canine diet, I am using the Northwest Naturals Raw Beef Diet for Dogs. The first 5 ingredients are:

  1. Beef
  2. Beef heart
  3. Beef liver
  4. Ground beef bone
  5. Beef kidney

These are specific, species-identified substances that are essential for a carnivore’s diet. And, as with all of our protein sources, all are USDA-passed and approved. As noted on the package, these ingredients make up 80% of the food inside. So, what about the other 20% of the food?  Since canines can utilize a wider variety of foods than cats, Northwest Naturals has chosen to add a limited number of additional foods to enhance the nutritional value of our canine diets. Below is a list of those important additions and why they were chosen. Not every item listed below is found in all of our foods, but these are the super-stars of modern nutrition that are included in the appropriate recipes.

Apples  — rich in Vit. C, beta carotene, potassium, and boron. High in antioxidants and flavonoids, good source of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Apple Cider Vinegar  — freshly processed ACV has minerals and enzymes that aid digestion, inhibit the growth of unfriendly bacteria, and help maintain the proper acid/alkaline balance in the digestive tract.

Blueberries  — packed with phytonutrients, they are a great source of powerful antioxidants that support health and vitality.

Broccoli  — is considered a “superfood” containing multiple nutrients to support health and wellness.

Cantaloupe  — very high in beta carotene (a fat-soluble antioxidant) and Vit. C (water-soluble antioxidant) this fruit covers all bases in fighting the damage done by free radicals.

Carrots  — contain multiple vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids which support the immune system, digestion, and skin and eye health.

Cranberries  –rich in flavonoids and antioxidants with natural acidic properties for urinary tract health.

Dulse  — organic dulse is an edible seaweed high in vitamins and trace minerals. It cleanses the body of heavy metals, increases metabolism, and supports brain function, thyroid function, and liver function.

Eggs  — are one of the most nutritionally complete foods, rich in protein and low in fat, a valuable source of protein and fat soluble vitamins and minerals.

Fish Oil  — an excellent source of essential amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat, lowers inflammatory responses and is helpful against arthritic conditions.  Our fish oil is a blend of salmon, pollock, and herring oils.

Flaxseed  — another source of soluble and insoluble fiber that aids digestion and helps regulate bowel function. The seeds are an excellent source of amino acids and EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) which help control inflammatory reactions.

Garlic  — often misunderstood, this highly beneficial herb is a powerful immune system helper whose sulfur compounds support heart health. Used with canines for thousands of years, it is also reported to help deter fleas.

Ginger  — known to alleviate nausea, improve circulation, and support a healthy cardiovascular system.

Inulin  –is an insoluble plant fructan which is a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the digestive system.

Kelp  — another seaweed that is full of trace minerals, supports a healthy thyroid gland and is rich in natural beta carotene, B vitamins, and Vit. C.

Parsley  — is an herb that serves as a dietary source of antioxidants, chlorophyll, Vit. A, Vit. C and Vit. K. It supports eye health, and kidney health and is a mild antibacterial.

Psyllium Husk powder  — this organic powder is a naturally soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol, and is a valuable prebiotic, helping to relieve digestive and intestinal issues and regulate blood sugar.

Romaine Lettuce  — has Vit. C, beta carotene, and folic acid all of them contribute to heart health.

Sweet Potato  — is used as a binder in recipes containing fish to help keep the products from crumbling. Nutritionally it is high in fiber and contains Vit. B6, Vit. A and manganese.

Watermelon  — high in potassium, Vit. C, beta carotene, Vit. B6, Vit. B1 and magnesium.  This melon is a superior fighter of antioxidants, heart disease, and cancer.

The components listed above comprise 18.5 % of the ingredients in the diet. As you can see, each item was carefully selected to enhance our canines’ health and provide a balanced and palatable diet. These ingredients are identifiable whole foods and are all USDA-passed and approved.

If you have added up the percentages, you realize that there is still 1.5% left to discuss.  These ingredients are often the most confusing for non-nutritional experts to identify as the terms are unfamiliar to most of us. Hopefully, the list below will clarify the added natural supplements that make up the remainder of the diets.

Potassium chloride  — is a naturally occurring salt form extracted from the ground or sea. It is an important mineral electrolyte that helps regulate blood pressure, maintains body fluid levels, and helps with proper kidney function and heart health.

Sodium chloride  — is another natural mineral complex, including many trace minerals. Obtained by evaporating seawater, it is essential to maintaining the body’s proper acid-base balance, cell function, and hydration.

Proteinated minerals  — All of our added minerals are proteinated for better digestion and absorption. Basically, proteinated means that a mineral molecule is attached to a protein molecule for better utilization in the body. These macro minerals are easier for the body to use than cheaper, inorganic minerals. Our protected minerals are:

Copper  — trace mineral important for making red blood cells, forming collagen, iron absorption, immune support, and aids in preventing anemia and osteoporosis.

Iron is a macro mineral found in all body cells and is vitally important for the transport of oxygen throughout the body.

Manganese  — trace mineral critical for brain and nervous system function. It is necessary for normal bone development and reproduction.

Zinc is a trace mineral important for enzyme function in major metabolic pathways. It aids in wound healing, oxygen transfer, and the development of cartilage, blood, bone, and keratin.

Also included in the 1.5% of the diet are:

Vit. D supplement  — an essential fat-soluble nutrient whose main function is to stimulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for normal bones and teeth and the maintenance of a healthy nerve and muscle system.

Vit. E supplement  — is an essential fat-soluble nutrient strongly linked to heart and eye health and protects cells from free radical damage.

Mixed Tocopherols  — used as a natural preservative they are a mixture of Vit. E isomers and provide a small additional amount of Vit. E.

Well, there you have it.  Probably more than you wanted to know, but I hope you noticed that our ingredients are specific, transparent, and based on whole foods to satisfy the AAFCO “complete and balanced” requirements. If the pet food you are using doesn’t have similar ingredients, you are not doing right by your pet.  Next month we will investigate some ingredients you don’t want to see listed on your pet food bag or in your dog’s diet.

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